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National Progressive Change Campaign Committee Endorses Ed Markey for U.S. Senate

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Organization Active in Support for Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Among Others

BOSTON — The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC), a national grassroots organization whose million-member network advocates for progressive candidates and issues across the country, today announced its endorsement of Ed Markey for re-election to the United States Senate.

Editorial: Endorsing Amy Ritterbusch for Select Board

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I have only words of praise for Amy Burns Ritterbusch. She’s clearly committed to bettering Hopkinton. I have found her to be equable, thoughtful, honest and industrious in her many town-based activities. She works to find the balance of truths in any given situation (not an easy undertaking); in this respect, she truly works for the community as a whole. I know her to be calm-headed, well-prepared, courageous and respectful of others. We are lucky in this town to have a surfeit of knowledgeable, committed and engaged volunteers to help us navigate these difficult times.

Editorial: Endorsing Amy Ritterbusch for Select Board

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I have only words of praise for Amy Burns Ritterbusch. She’s clearly committed to bettering Hopkinton. I have found her to be equable, thoughtful, honest and industrious in her many town-based activities. She works to find the balance of truths in any given situation (not an easy undertaking); in this respect, she truly works for the community as a whole. I know her to be calm-headed, well-prepared, courageous and respectful of others. We are lucky in this town to have a surfeit of knowledgeable, committed and engaged volunteers to help us navigate these difficult times.

Editorial: Endorsing John Coutinho for Select Board

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Not the Time to Take Chances

Fellow Voters,

These are stressful times all around. Our National leadership has caused rifts between friends, neighbors and family members. Division has become the norm, with the so called ‘aisle’ widening as we succumb to the deafening rhetoric from the White House.

Have FAITH! This too shall pass. Hopkinton is an independent spirit. We shall overcome.

Editorial: Endorsing John Coutinho for Select Board

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Two weeks back I sat down with a cold beverage to watch the Select Board debate between John Coutinho and Amy Ritterbusch. Both candidates are good people and both care deeply about Hopkinton. I was surprised when it ended so abruptly. In the days following “the debate” numerous residents shared their frustrations with me about the tone of our local political dialogue. It seems the Town, like John Coutinho, is fed up with the abusive, nasty, snarky, misinformed and petty drivel some feel necessary to post on social media sites originally intended to foster healthy dialogue.

Editorial: Endorsing John Coutinho for Select Board

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Two weeks back I sat down with a cold beverage to watch the Select Board debate between John Coutinho and Amy Ritterbusch. Both candidates are good people and both care deeply about Hopkinton. I was surprised when it ended so abruptly. In the days following “the debate” numerous residents shared their frustrations with me about the tone of our local political dialogue. It seems the Town, like John Coutinho, is fed up with the abusive, nasty, snarky, misinformed and petty drivel some feel necessary to post on social media sites originally intended to foster healthy dialogue.

State Senator Julian Cyr, Leaders in Five Key Communities Endorse Jesse Mermell for Congress

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Jesse Mermell today expanded the coalition of local, state and national leaders supporting her run for Congress with endorsements from State Senator Julian Cyr and local leaders from Dighton, Hopkinton, Franklin, Brookline, Newton.

The endorsers emphasized that Mermell is the best candidate to go to Washington to take on Donald Trump and his Republican cronies and fight for support for our communities as they recover from the COVID-19 crisis.